Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Why don't babies have an easy button?

Yikes! Ever sense Levi got teeth, my nipples have been cursing me! His latch has ensued this. I've tried breaking him of it, to no avail. At this point, I'm wondering whether or not I should go back to pumping, and give the kid half formula/half breast milk. I don't know if my nips can handle too much more of his "gnawing". 
On another note, does anyone else have problems getting their 6 month old to go to sleep? Levi seems to think that he should only sleep when he's riding down the road, attached to my breast, swinging in his swing, etc. When I lie him down, he goes nuts! When he awakes in the middle of the night, I am sometimes in there an hour trying to coax him back to sleep. He'll be sound asleep when I go to lay him down, but once his face touches the bed, it's all out war! I pat him, rub him, talk softly, but, after an hour of screaming, I either have to walk out for a few minutes, or pick him back up. 
When we first transitioned him from co-sleeping to his crib, he did pretty good. He was waking up 2, maybe 3 times a night. He did this, again, when he became sick with a cold. Other than that, I'm up for what seems to be, all night. I don't ask my hubby to get up, because he works, and often has to take 12+ hour drives to make a delivery. Thus, this momma is always tired! Honestly, it doesn't matter if I give him a bottle, or just nurse, he awakes when he wants to, and doesn't go back down, until he's good, and ready. 
When he stays with my mother-in-law, he still awakes at least 3-4 times a night. I know all babies sleep through the night when they're ready, but, I'd settle for some consistency! I put him to bed at the same time, every night. He has had the same routine for months, and still does this.
 I read somewhere that when babies are over 5 months they start using nursing for more than just food supply. I can see how that might be the case, but, what's a momma to do when their little one uses them all day, and all night?? I'm sure my hubby would love a night where we could enjoy each other's company without me having to run off, sometimes, every hour, to two hours. Some nights, this kid wakes up every thirty minutes! Yeah, on those nights, you probably already guessed, I wish I could tag out! 
On a plus note, summertime has finally arrived, so I now have our 9 year old little girl to help me out during the day. If you've never seen a sister love a baby brother, you should look no further than my daughter. She was an only child for 9 years, and, even during my pregnancy, didn't want a brother. Once she saw him, though, it was love at first sight. They're kind of magical to watch. They both light up when they see each other. 
Anyways, I guess I'm about to start making some jambalaya for my hard-working hubby, who was on the road all day. Yes, I'm a magnificent cook, so if you need some REAL cajun recipes, comment on this blog, and I'll start blogging about my EPIC food! ;)
Until next time, the cajun milk-maker   

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